Spiritual Intimacy

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. (Romans 8:28 AMP)


We are pilgrims on a journey that doesn’t end. To date, I’ve been through dry deserts of adversity, deep valleys of despair, climbed steep mountains of difficulty and marvelled in mountaintop moments, and I can testify that God is faithful and does indeed “cause all things to work together for good for those who love Him…”

Prayerful planning and strategising has its place, but we don’t really don’t know what the next moment (never mind tomorrow) holds, only God knows, so best we aim to be present in His presence and prioritise spiritual intimacy. 

Besides quality time in prayer and His Word at the start of each day, I regularly ask the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth (John 16:13) and I trust that He will do just that, because I’m praying His Word. Praying scripture has been transformative for me. Feelings form part of how God created us, but our faith is not based on our fluctuating feelings… our faith is based on God’s Word. When we intentionally pray God’s Word (irrespective of how we feel), we are praying for His will to be done in us and through us. I’ve also found that scripture-based praise and worship shifts things within me, keeps me mindful of God’s Word, and helps me feel more in sync with the Holy Spirit. 

Guarding our hearts with gratitude keeps us from grumbling and is vital to spiritual intimacy, as thanksgiving is an expression of trust (especially when we are going through something really challenging). Even during difficult days, there is always something to be thankful for. Gearing our minds to focus on (or move our meandering minds to) all that is “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy …” (Philippians 4:8) is always wise. Of course, we need to be aware of problems, but instead of complaining about them we can be prayerfully proactive in finding and applying Biblically based solutions. 

Let’s distance ourselves from destructive distractions and intentionally draw near to our all knowing, perfectly wise and loving Maker. 


Lord, lead me into deeper intimacy.

Keep me close to You ~ far from sin and strife,

for Your grace is sufficient in the tests and trials of life.

May Your love be my language in every situation,

for You are the loving Lord of all creation.

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