Love Anyway

Love does no wrong to a neighbor [it never hurts anyone]. Therefore [unselfish] love is the fulfillment of the Law.” (Romans 13:10 AMP)

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Sometimes we can go the extra mile and love in wonderful ways, by God’s grace, and instead of connection and appreciation, there is pushback or indifference. But, let’s prayerfully love anyway …let’s trust God and seek to do good to all, as we are given opportunity, because He is faithful. We can trust Him to work it all together for our good and His glory. And as we stay close to Him and are mindful of His mercy towards us, we can be merciful towards others and light up a dark moment by doing something good in faith, hope and His unfailing love.


Loving Lord, You are always perfectly good and I trust that You will ensure that everything works out as it should. Today I pray for strength and wisdom to love well and only the truth tell. In all that I say and do, may I always point others to You. 

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