Divine Guidance

“I say be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires.” Galatians 5:16 CEB


I became increasingly more aware of divine guidance as I began to prioritise my relationship with Jesus Christ — our living hope. This spiritual awakening was like the jarring sound of a fire alarm, rigorously rousing me from my self-centred slumber, so that I can be saved.  A reverential fear of God began to propel me to seek Him and His way with all my heart, and an adventure of love, in all its glorious hues and gitty realities, ensued.

Some decisions are clearly black & white, and just require basic common sense, whereby we know via our God given conscience if something is right or wrong. Like I don’t need to spend days deliberating whether I need to keep my body clean or not. But — there are also grey areas in life where it can be difficult to discern what the best decision would be. 

In my experience, sometimes the answer was a clear “no” …and I’d drop it. Sometimes, the answer was a clear “yes” …and I’d advance with peace, hope and joy. Other times (especially if it was something way out of my normal/familiar comfort zone), I’d feel uncomfortable / nervous about doing something, yet I’d have a deep knowing in my heart that it was the right thing to do, and I’d pray something like: “Lord — I truly believe that I’m doing the right thing, in obedience, and I trust that you know that and will lead me into all truth and cause everything to work together for my good, according to your purpose, in Jesus’ name, amen.” (John 16:13 & Romans 8:28) 


Lord, direct my gaze and on my heart etch Your ways;

Help me live and move and have my being in You,

speaking truth in love ~ gentle as a dove.

May your songs of deliverance be heard,

and my life speak your word.

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