Be Undaunted

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]” John 16:33 AMP

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The Bible is clear that the path to Perfect Paradise, where there is neither sin nor sorrow, is not a pain free path. But — praise God — that, as Christians, we can be courageous, confident, undaunted and filled with joy — even while we are pilgrims on this imperfect planet — because Jesus Christ has overcome the world. So how exactly do we experience that? We can only experience true peace (as well as true courage, confidence and joy…and every good thing) when we deeply abide in the perfect Prince of Peace, Jesus Himself. And I’ve found that part of the pre-Paradise pain is the process of learning to deeply abide in Him (regardless of what’s happening in and around me). His love never wavers, for He is perfect love… but we are imperfect people in process, and the flesh-spirit struggle can be very painful at times. However, we can be undaunted as we go through the painful parts, courageously confident in Christ, trusting Him to help us in the unfolding process of sanctification and transformation. We can’t do it without Him. A deep relationship of love and trust is at the heart of deeply abiding in Christ, and He understands that we all have emotional / relational baggage that takes time to unpack and sort out…and He promises to be with us through it all. But He doesn’t force us to have an ever deepening relationship with Him. In His perfect wisdom, He has given us free will, so let’s choose to stay close to Him in honest prayer and be mindful of His perfect promises, trusting Him to do what only He can do – in and through us – in His higher way and perfect timing, as we do what we can, in faith, hope and His perfect love. 


LORD, You know what I struggle with and why. You know the real reasons why I cry. You know everything about me and You know what I need to do to experience victory. So I pray, please help me stay close to You every day, come what may. 

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