Wield Words Wisely

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” (Ephesians 4:29 NLT)

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Careless words come with consequences. Words carry power and can be either harmful or helpful, for both the speaker and the hearer. For the good of all, we need to prayerfully wield words wisely. Even when we need to deal with a delicate issue or confront dysfunction, we can choose to speak the truth carefully and respectfully, in love. That said, the fruit of our lips is determined by the roots within, for “…what comes out of the mouth is what’s overflowing in the heart.”(see Luke 6:45 NTFE) 

So, let’s prioritise prayer and pondering the sacred scriptures, and saturate our hearts with God’s living and active Word. 


Loving Lord Jesus, You alone know the depth of every story, and You alone can transform us from glory to glory. So to You I bring my heart and ask that You heal every hurting part. Help me humbly pray and ponder Your Word, and may eternal truth be woven into everything I think, say and do, perpetually pointing precious people to You. 

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