Why Worry?

And who of you by worrying can add one hour to [the length of] his life?” (Matthew 6:27 AMP)

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Why Worry? Today’s verse reminds us that worrying is a waste of time and changes nothing. 

Oxford Languages defines worry as follows: feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.

There is a stark difference between worrying and prayerfully pondering with a view to wisely dealing with an issue. 

So how can we stop worrying? We can intentionally stop anxious thoughts from circulating in our minds and we can choose to pray, ponder God’s Word, seek wise council, plan, prepare and follow through with what we believe God is guiding us to do. 


Loving Lord ~ You know what lies ahead, so instead of worrying, please help me to focus on You and all that is true. I ask for wisdom to work through issues in ways that amaze and point others to You.

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