True Joy

In everything I showed you [by example] that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35 AMP)


Years ago, I explored Sanya in southern China. A place abounding in natural beauty that sparked inspiration, alongside rough raw reality. To cover my travelling costs, I taught English and my students taught me how to cultivate the unseen beauty of patience — the latter being far more important, so I’m eternally grateful to my little teachers. That said, I found myself mostly miserable, despite the natural beauty around me and the important lessons learnt in the classroom. I realised that my misery was tied to my self-centredness, so I began to seek out ways to subdue the selfish tendencies within me, and despite my own special collection of issues, God gave me many opportunities to help others while in Sanya. I discovered a Christian organisation where the emphasis was not on appearances or social status, but on consistently caring for orphans with disabilities. Witnessing such sacrificial love profoundly impacted my life, as it revealed the depth of my selfishness, and yet so graciously invited me to leave it at the door and enter into the heartfelt work of sacrificially serving others in need. And I actually experienced the timeless truth — spelled out in Acts 20:35 — that it is more blessed to give than to receive. I found that as selfishness began to exit my soul, room was made for the wonders of life to stir wonder within. 

Let’s draw near to the Lord and ask Him how He would have us help those in need around us. Where there is willingness, opportunities to give abound, and true joy can be found.


Faithful Father ~ hold me back from presumptuous sin, and infuse me with compassion, kindness, humility, strength and discipline.

In awe of Your love, my rags of self-righteousness I lay down, together with every man-made crown, and don Christ’s robe of righteousness and work for His renown.

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