Transform through the Storm

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].” (Hebrews 11:1 AMP)


While in Sanya, southern China, I experienced my first typhoon.

There was a stirring in the air and warnings went out early in the day, so all classes were cancelled and everyone rushed home. I was caught in the first gale while crossing the street, trying to get home. Not the best place to be flung off your feet! Powerful winds and hard rain lashed across my face and body, and my umbrella was promptly destroyed, as I hung onto the road railing that was buckling under the chaos of the storm. I ran hard through the storm towards my apartment building, only to find the entrance door had been blown right off its hinges! Drenched and panting wildly, I was so relieved to be safely under cover I almost wept. We still had electricity, so I calmed myself while I waited by the lift. I turned and saw an elderly lady, who was very casually walking over the shattered glass (where there was once an entrance door), holding a flimsy plastic bag full of eggs. She seemed so completely unperturbed by the chaos outside. A local. I suddenly felt foolish for feeling so fearful. How many storms had she been through? Her peaceful demeanour was in stark contrast to my shrieking entrance into the building, so shaken I was by the novelty of an unknown storm. She looked right at me and smiled, knowingly. I felt so reassured standing next to such a hardy soul. She reminded me that the ‘storms of life’ pass…and that experience brings its own reward, if we are willing to prayerfully persevere and transform through the storm. When storms surge, be they external or internal, we can choose to either flounder in fear or turn to Christ and follow through in faith. The storm did indeed pass, after a couple of days, leaving uprooted trees in its wake and all manner of chaos. But the community came together, and faith, hope and love triumphed. The debris was dealt with and order was restored.  To celebrate surviving such a surreal storm, I ventured to Dadong Hai beach and let the sun kiss my face as I stared out at the shimmering sea. I smiled. I was exactly where I wanted to be — in the sweet spot of appreciation and possibility.

PRAYER POEM: Sovereign King

JESUS ~ Sovereign King, to You my heart I bring and Hallelujah I sing!

I’ll praise You in victory and in the valley. I’ll praise You in the storm, I’ll praise you as I transform.

As I behold Your beauty, in the hush of every holy hue, may the hum of my heart be in tune with You.

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