Timely Gifts

Consider carefully, then, how you walk, not as unwise people, but as wise people. Make the most of your time,because the days are evil. For this reason, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17 EHV)

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Time and the opportunities therein are gifts from God. And today’s passage reminds us to make the most of the time we’ve been given. Considering that our time on earth is so short in light of eternity, it’s wise to cultivate an eternal perspective and prioritise quality time with the One who made and loves us, and promises to give us wisdom if we ask Him (see James 1:5). Only God is perfect and all-knowing. He knows in full, while we know only in part, so spending time in prayer and pondering His Word every day is never a waste of time. As we seek to know our marvellous and merciful Maker and understand His will, we can trust that He will teach us how to make the very best use of time and walk wisely, with Him. 


Loving Lord ~ You alone know what we don’t, so I ask You to help me to know You more deeply and understand Your will more clearly. Please empower me to persistently pray and stay in step with You in every moment of every day, come what may. 

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