The Wonder of Worship

“Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! How beautiful it is when we sing our praises to the beautiful God, for praise makes you lovely before him and brings him great delight! Yahweh builds up Jerusalem; he gathers up the outcasts and brings them home. He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. He sets his stars in place, calling them all by their names. How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147:1-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Word Study: Yahweh 

“Yahweh is translated “Lord” in the NIV. To understand how “Lord” came to be used as a translation of Yahweh, some attention must be given to the Greek word kyrios, one of whose meanings is “lord.” This is the standard word for Yahweh (“Lord”) in the Septuagint (the ancient pre-Christian Greek translation of the Old Testament) and in the New Testament.”

“It is instructive to observe that an abbreviated form of Yahweh is preserved in the Hebrew name Joshua and in the Greek name Jesus, both meaning “The Lord [Yahweh] saves.” (Direct reference:


I recently received a deeper revelation of the greatness of God, the wonder of worship and the transforming power of praising Him. It’s wonderful when we feel inspired and encouraged, and express it, but it’s also okay to not feel okay. However, it’s vitally important that (in those heavier moments) we don’t turn away from God and try to escape the issues / emotions, but rather go to Him as we are and be honest with Him in prayer and process everything with Him, because He is the Healer of our hearts. Regardless of what happens in life or how we may feel at any given moment, Jesus Christ – our Sovereign King – is indeed praiseworthy and totally trustworthy, so let’s keep our gaze fixed on Him through it all. May perpetual praise be on our lips, be it a heavy-hearted whisper or a jubilant shout.

PRAYER POEM: Sovereign King

Oh Sovereign King, to You my heart I bring, and Hallelujah I sing!

I’ll praise You in victory and in the valley, I’ll praise You in the storm, I’ll praise You as I transform.

As I behold Your beauty, in the hush of every holy hue, may the hum of my heart be in tune with You.

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