The Only Omnipresent One

“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,

And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].” (Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP)

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There have been times when I’ve felt wonderfully inspired and connected to our caring Creator. There have been other times when I’ve done everything I truly believed the Lord was leading me to do and yet I felt flat and uninspired as I plodded through a painful process. The truth is, our loving Lord is with us in wonder and in woe …sanctifying, revealing, teaching, refining, inspiring, transforming, strengthening …in the plodding, showing up and following through. I have prayed in times of wonder, inspiration and carefree creativity. I have prayed (very honest prayers) in times of discomfort, difficulties and disappointment. And our totally trustworthy Teacher taught me (and continues to teach me) to rely on Him and trust His Word regardless of how I feel or what I see. He also kindly reassured / reassures me that my feelings and my experiences on Earth matter and are fully understood. I discovered (and I’m continuing to more deeply discover) that relying on the Lord is not about me ensuring perfect performances, experiences and outcomes. It’s about staying submitted and open to the only omnipresent One, in everything — planning, prep, process etc — trusting Him to guide, teach, correct, counsel, comfort and completely care for me every step of the way, and indeed work all things together for my good and His glory, in His higher way and perfect timing. Hallelujah!


Loving Lord, You alone are perfect in all Your ways. Help me to honour You today and for the rest of my days. I am so grateful that You are forever faithful. You are with us however we feel, wherever we go, in wonder and also in woe. May I more deeply know and trust You in all that I go through, and be imbued with all that is true and of You. 

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