Test, Taste & See

“Put all things to the test: keep what is good and avoid every kind of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 GNT)

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There are some things that are clearly black and white, that I deeply know to be true. For example: I deeply know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him (see John 14:6). And that the living and active Word of God is forever true and can transform us from the inside out, as we prayerfully ponder His perfect promises, in preparation for eternity. 

And then there are grey, misty, mysterious aspects that require prayerful testing and tasting in order to see more clearly. For example: it’s common knowledge that laziness and unhealthy eating are not helpful habits — however — the details of my healthy habit formation may need to look different to yours, due to a myriad of reasons. 

So, let’s not judge external struggles, but rather encourage others while we prayerfully review our own reality, plan, test and taste …trusting the Lord to guide us and give us clarity in due course. Let’s stay close to Him in the unfolding process, for He is perfectly wise and trustworthy at all times. 


LORD, You alone know everything, so to You I turn and ask You to help me learn what You know I need to know. And teach me to trust You as I grow in Your glorious grace, until I see You face-to-face. 

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