Taming the Tongue

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” (Proverbs 18:21 AMP)


There is a word list in my classroom that reminds both me and my students to be respectful, responsible, honest, grateful and kind. But we don’t always get it right. In fact someone invariably gets it very wrong. This is why we all need to stay prayerful, and keep our minds and hearts brimming with the truth of God’s Word, as we take heed of the sobering reminder in Luke 6:44-45 (J.B. Phillips New Testament):

“It is impossible for a good tree to produce bad fruit—as impossible as it is for a bad tree to produce good fruit. Do not men know what a tree is by its fruit? You cannot pick figs from briars, or gather a bunch of grapes from a blackberry bush! A good man produces good things from the good stored up in his heart, and a bad man produce evil things from his own stores of evil. For a man’s words will always express what has been treasured in his heart.”


LORD, help me pray and ponder the truths in Your enlightening love letter, so that I may know You and Your ways better.

Strengthen me to seek Your face, for You know my purpose and place, and what I truly need to grow in Your grace.

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