Step by Step

“We [If/Since we…] get our new life from the Spirit [live by the Spirit], so we should follow [be guided by; walk in step with] the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25 EXB)

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There have been times when I’ve sighed with sadness as I saw the seeming slowness of the sanctification and transformation process. But, in that melancholic moment I had forgotten that our merciful Maker knows exactly what His precious people truly need, when and why. There have been other times when electrifying energy charged through my being as things suddenly turned around / upside down / inside out, and I’d tremble in reverential awe and worship in wonder. And I’d remember that our loving Lord is perfectly faithful and that His Word is trustworthy and true, now and forevermore.

However life unfolds, let’s stay close to the only omniscient One and trust Him, step by step, be the steps slow and steady or blissfully brisk. 


My merciful Maker, I want to go where You go, for You alone know the deep truth beneath the surface of everything. So to You I bring every part of me and ask that You open my eyes to see as You see and that I stay in step with You as we journey together, now and forever.

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