Spiritual Maturity

Brothers and sisters, don’t think like children. Be innocent of malice but mature in understanding.” (1 Corinthians 14:20 The Voice)

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 A measure of maturity can certainly develop over time and through an abundance of experience. However, spiritual maturity — the kind of that deeply impacts reality and echoes into eternity — is developed in the deep place of communion with Christ… where we fully yield every aspect of our lives to Him, seeking to know and love Him more than anything else, which — in turn — beautifully impacts everything else. The biblical command, “…seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”(Matthew 6:33 ESV) is not a restrictive rule, it’s a loving directive for our good and His glory. 


Loving Lord Jesus ~ train me to turn, and to keep turning to You in honest prayer, ever more aware of how deeply You care. Make me mindful of You and Your way in every moment of every day. Empower me to press in and ponder Your life-giving words, trusting You to transform me in Your higher way and perfect timing, knowing that the light of Your love is always shining. 

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