Sacrificial Service

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.] Philippians 4:13 AMP


This past week – in addition to my daily time in prayer and The Word – I set my mind to memorise and meditate on the above verse. I tested my recall ability and was encouraged when I could say it correctly by heart. I trusted the Holy Spirit of God to work wonders in and through me as I made an effort, in faith, to lock His living and active work into my heart. Wonders were worked, but not as I expected or wanted (at the time), but clearly as was needed. I found that His Word was worked out in my everyday life in opportunities to sacrificially serve / help others when I felt physically ill (that kind of illness that feels awful but is not awful enough not to work). It was worked out when I went out of my way to sacrificially encourage someone and was rudely rejected. It was worked out when I stood up for what was right and risked persecution. It was worked out when I took great pains to help others without hearing thank you. It was worked out when I was tempted to sink into self pity, nurse offence and harden my heart, but was quickly alerted by the Holy Spirit to confess and pray for help. Help indeed came and I was strengthened as I took the next step in faith and prayerfully pressed on and kept showing up, kept serving, kept following through with commitments (until it was time to rest). Some people were kind and appreciative and some were not. But – I was reminded that regardless of how people may respond, I’m actually serving the Lord and my reward is with Him, trusting that irrespective of how I feel or how things unfold, He indeed “… causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” (see Romans 8:28 AMP) I certainly don’t seek out suffering, but when it comes, I can choose to gripe and grumble (which only exacerbates the suffering) or I can choose to pray and obey, as best as I know how to, and go through the refining fire, trusting our loving, living God to transform my ashes into something beautiful, in His higher way and perfect timing. 


Loving Lord, thank You for Your empowering grace which enables me to face all that You call me to go through, with You. You are my strength and shield – the One I revere – as I plough, plant and persevere in the unseen and eternal harvest field. 

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