Prayerful Persistence Prevails

Pray ·in [or in dependence on] the Spirit at all times with all ·kinds of prayers [prayers and requests], asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ·ready [alert] ·and never give up [with all perseverance]. Always pray for all ·God’s people [the saints]. Ephesians 6:18 EXB

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Prayerful persistence prevails. I have found this to be true in every aspect of my life to date.

God alone is perfect and every living being He made is reliant on Him (for every breath is a gift of grace) and in process. In light of the imperfection of humanity, each one of us grapples with our own unique set of issues, which God alone knows the depths thereof. So it’s vitally important for us to carve out quiet time to cultivate intimacy with our Maker, before we go about our business each day, interacting with those He made (be it to give or receive anything).

We all need encouragement and we are called to encourage, edify and exhort each other. But, we cannot give away what we don’t have. We can only live out the sometimes seemingly impossible commands of “bearing with each other and forgiving one another” (see Colossians 3:13) if we really believe that we are deeply loved by God and that He is indeed our ”stronghold in times of trouble’‘ (see Psalm 37:39). We can only stand up strong for what is good and right, if we are filled with the unshakable wisdom of God’s Word – and that requires seeking to know and trust Him and His Word. Over the years, I have been through more fiery situations than I can count, but I’m writing this today with my heart ablaze with hope, because God has clearly heard my prayers. My prayers were not always answered as expected, but as I drew near to the Lord and prayerfully pondered His Word, I was strengthened to persevere, and by His Spirit, many battles have been won and countless difficulties overcome. So let’s draw and stay near to the One who made, knows and loves us best, that we may be equipped to prayerfully persevere and be blessed, and a blessing to many, glorifying our Father in Heaven. 


LORD, direct my gaze and teach me Your ways.

Infuse me with faith and bless me from above that I may speak the truth in love. 

May Your songs of deliverance be heard and every detail of my life express Your Word.

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