Perpetual Prayer

“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12 AMPC)

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What does is look like to be constant in prayer?  Is perpetual prayer possible? I’ve found that it is. I pray aloud first thing in the morning, as part of quality time with the Lord…not as a rule, but because I know I need Him and I want to have an increasingly deeper relationship with our marvellous Maker. I pray scripture. I sing worship songs as prayers. I whisper prayers. I pray in really raw, tear soaked ways. I also seek to listen and pay attention (for prayer is a conversation with the One who made us). I smile prayers as I appreciate His handiwork. I pray alone and with others, as and when I’m moved to. Even when I’m not praying aloud, I seek to stay in a state of sensitivity and connection to the Holy Spirit in every moment of every day, staying open to Him with a heart to more deeply know Him and fully cooperate with Him. Trusting Him to protect, guide, teach, correct, encourage, inspire (etc) me at all times. For He is indeed our ever present help (see Psalm 46:1). So let’s prioritise intimacy with our wonderfully wise, perfect Provider, and trust that as we draw near to our Living Hope, as best we currently can, He will indeed draw near to us (see James 4:8).


LORD, You know what I’m going to say before I say it, for You made every part of me. I pray to stay in sync with You in every moment of every day, for only You know the depths of me, and only in You can I know what it truly means to be perfectly loved and forever free.

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