Perpetual Forgiveness

“But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.” (Romans 5:8 AMPC)


We are all in process. We all need God’s grace to breathe, work/serve, learn from mistakes, heal, transform etc. How dare we not forgive each other, after Jesus Christ gave His life so that we could receive forgiveness for our many sins and enjoy the eternal freedom that only He can give.

I understand that forgiveness can be a difficult process, fraught with complex emotions…but as we ask the Holy Spirit to help us and we are willing to do the deep and difficult heart work (however long it takes) with the Holy Spirit and with those He sends to assist us, it is possible to deeply forgive. If we have an issue with someone then it is best to first pray and then talk / write to them directly or if that’s not possible, then prayerfully seeking wise and confidential counselling is an option. I’ve done this and I’m living proof that it is possible, by the grace of God, to deeply forgive and experience a deeper peace that truly does transcend understanding.

Yes, there are times when wisdom calls for healthy boundaries to be implemented, but forgiveness is needed at all times. Due to the frailty of the human condition, perpetual forgiveness is required while we are pilgrims on this earth, if we want any measure of peace. And we cannot do or experience any of this without our Maker.


Lord, help me to know and love You more deeply, that I may be able to love well and forgive more freely. Irrespective of what other people may do, may my life honour and glorify You. 

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