For you [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified and] are all children of God [set apart for His purpose with full rights and privileges] through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union with the Christ, the Anointed] have clothed yourselves with Christ [that is, you have taken on His characteristics and values]. There is [now no distinction in regard to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] are all one in Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority]. And if you belong to Christ [if you are in Him], then you are Abraham’s descendants, and [spiritual] heirs according to [God’s] promise. (Galatians 3:26-29 AMP)
While pondering this passage I was moved to ask our Heavenly Father to open our eyes to see each other as He sees us, as His beloved children (wonderfully made!). I was reminded of how vitally important it is that we love and care for each other. Embracing every opportunity to prayerfully encourage, edify, exhort and support one another, in faith – determined to become unoffendable. Imagine the freedom. Imagine the blessed state of living, moving and having our being in faith, hope and love, irrespective of responses or circumstances. This is possible in Christ! Hallelujah! Let’s embrace the process – the pleasant and the painful parts – trusting God’s higher way and perfect timing.
Heavenly Father ~ I ask for reviving revelations that inspire us, Your children, to listen, lean in and let Your love enlighten our labours and reconcile neighbours ~ for we are one in Your Son.