New Knowledge

For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6 NIV)


“I’ll never use earplugs again!” This never vow came shortly after a very uncomfortable and expensive (yet so helpful) ENT procedure, where I was ushered back into hyper hearing again. And while I was so grateful for the pain relief and to hear all that is good again, the terrible traffic noise (that prompted me to press earplugs deeply into my ear canal, which contributed to my ear problems) was now amplified. So there I lay, free of pain but unable to rest due to the cacophony of cars careening around the city that never seems to sleep. So I did what I said I’d never do again, I reached for my earplugs, but this time I was armed with new knowledge and I inserted them very carefully (as per a specialist’s suggestions) so as not to push them in too far, and I eventually drifted off to Dreamland. 

I recall making other never vows, like after being (yet again) deeply disappointed by the frailty of humanity, I secretly vowed to become so fiercely independent that I’d never need anyone again. I thought this would shield me from emotional wounding, but all it did was isolate me from experiencing deep, true joy, because we cannot know such joy outside of relationships – with our Maker and those He made. So, armed with new knowledge, I began to reach out and embrace relationships again. But – this time – in a wiser, Bible-based way, where my top priority is my relationship with God, who alone is able to truly redeem messy moments and heal fractured hearts (in His higher way and perfect timing). And out of this deepening union with my Maker – nurtured daily with honest prayer and Bible study – I began to learn how to better interact with those He made. We all need each other, but to avoid placing any human relationship above our relationship with our Creator, let’s stay mindful of the truth spelled out in Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV): 

“…Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ‘This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. ’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

PRAYER POEM: Inside Out 

Lord, in every moment of every day, help me to draw near, for You hold my heart dear and can make things clear. May You continually transform and prepare me for eternity, from the inside out ~ ushering out every doubt. Keep me and my loved ones rooted in Your Word, that we may grow in unforced rhythms of grace, together, into forever.

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