Guard Yourselves

Little children (believers, dear ones), guard yourselves from idols—[false teachings, moral compromises, and anything that would take God’s place in your heart].” (1 John 5:21 AMP)

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Idolatry takes many forms. When I was much younger, I was more focused on (seen) things than on the (unseen) reality of our Maker and having real relationships with Him and the people He made. Due to all manner of dysfunction, I thought that if I had all the material luxuries I longed for — an expensive car, costly clothing, an impressive home, unlimited funds to do with as I wish etc — then I’d be seen as impressive and valuable, and worthy of love and belonging. Until I got it all … then my eyes were opened to the truth that materialism is meaningless and the only way to have a truly meaningful life and really add value is to follow Jesus Christ, who is indeed the way the truth and the life (see John 14:6). I turned away from the vanity and lie of luxury and turned to the only One who can give us what we truly need (not what we think we want). By God’s grace, it’s been an enlightening journey of high mountaintops, messy meandering and very low valleys. And as the adventure continues, I’m aware that even Christian ministry can become an idol. So how do we guard ourselves from idols? We choose to be determined to fix our focus on Jesus — the author and perfector of our faith — and pray come what may, trusting that the One who made us will strengthen, sustain and enable us to go the distance with Him, until we get to our heavenly home, where there are eternal treasures that can never be destroyed. 


LORD, You alone know each person’s unique story, and You alone can sanctify and transform us from glory to glory. You know in full, while we know in part. So, here is my heart. I trust that You do not lie and that You always finish what You start. 

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