Good Fruit

“It is impossible for a good tree to produce bad fruit—as impossible as it is for a bad tree to produce good fruit. Do not men know what a tree is by its fruit? You cannot pick figs from briars, or gather a bunch of grapes from a blackberry bush! A good man produces good things from the good stored up in his heart, and a bad man produce evil things from his own stores of evil. For a man’s words will always express what has been treasured in his heart.”

“And what is the point of calling me, ‘Lord, Lord’, without doing what I tell you to do?” (Luke 6:44-46 J.B. Phillips New Testament)

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What we focus on affects our internal and external reality, our words and deeds which, in turn, impacts our attitude, approach and society at large. So let’s intentionally fix our focus on the author and perfector of our faith — Jesus Christ — and prioritise prayerfully pondering His life-giving words, storing up truth in our hearts so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can confidently move forward in faith, hope and love, bearing more and more good fruit that glorifies our Heavenly Father. 


Loving Lord, we can do nothing apart from You, for we breathe by Your grace. Irrespective of position or place, empower me to yield to You and Your way, every moment of every day, come what may. 

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