Confident Belief

“So then, being always filled with good courage and confident hope, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord— for we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]—” (2 Corinthians 5:6-7 AMP)

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To “walk by faith, not by sight” doesn’t mean not being aware of realities or not appreciating visual / overt beauty, it means that we don’t place our hope in what we see, but that we move forward with confident hope in our Living Hope — Jesus Christ — the author and perfector of our faith (see Hebrews 12:2). And by God’s grace, we can cultivate confident belief by prayerfully pondering His promises spelled out in the Bible — His love letter to us. And if / when questions rise up, let’s not give up. Let’s take our questions to the Lord in prayer and trust Him to clarify / confirm, in His higher way and timing. So let’s not succumb to confining circumstances or fluctuating feelings. Let’s prayerfully press on in faith, hope and love.


Loving Lord Jesus — to You I look, in every circumstance and season, for You are the reason I breathe and believe. May the eyes of my heart be ever on You, in everything I’m called to go through. 

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