Be Rooted in Unfailing Love

May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love…” (Ephesians 3:17 AMP)

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Yesterday, one of my students was very emotional, hiding behind her helper, expressing her fear and unwilling to cooperate. This same student recently won a 1st place trophy during a prestigious poetry / speech festival due to her brave, bold performance and was glowing with confidence afterwards, open and connecting with those around her. 

This reminded me of the danger of basing our worth ond identity on our performance(s). If we do this, then when we win, we feel awesome, happily engage with others and move forward with confidence. But, when we fall short of a perceived ideal (which is inevitable, given that we are human) or we don’t receive expected applause, then our confidence crumbles. 

But, if we base our worth and identity on the perfect love of God for us and seek to be rooted in His love, then we can fully embrace the process of sanctification and transformation, secure in His unfailing love. And yes, certainly aim for excellence in all that we do — but from a place of love, with a heart to love — so that when results don’t match expectations, we are able to stay loving and confident in Christ, learn from / through the experience and move forward in faith, hope and His love. 

Performance, no matter how impressive, cannot save our souls…only the perfect love of God in Christ Jesus can. 


LORD ~ oh, grant me grace to continually seek Your face and be deeply rooted in Your love. Help me honour You in everything I say and do, for You know every detail of my life story and I trust that You are working it all for my good and Your glory.

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