Ascending Awareness

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” (Psalms 139:23-24. NLT)


God knows when we are really ready to confront something. And we know too, don’t we? Signs point to it. A deep knowing, and confirmations follow, but yet there is always free will. Will we say no to destructive distractions and yes to confronting issues and the effort involved? Will we endure the painful parts of restoration and transformation? Will we be willing to step out of false comfort zones and embrace authenticity and vulnerability, and show up to the opportunities to get equipped? Will we rise up in faith and choose to trust God’s Word instead of our fluctuating feelings? Will we do the hard work of climbing hills of difficulty and prayerfully confront the lies that litter the path we believe we are destined to take… and move forward in faith, hope and love? 

May each one of us say: “By the grace of God, I will.” And may we go forth with ascending awareness of our merciful Maker’s perfectly loving, graciously guiding and empowering presence. 

PRAYER POEM: Marvellous Maker

Blessed Bondage Breaker, Conquering Creator, Marvellous Maker of me and every living being I see.

Perfect Peace Purveyor uproot every wicked weed and saturated every sacred seed.

To You my whole heart I bring, and surrendering, I sing: Sovereign Saviour, Exalted King.

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