Inextinguishable Light

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my help and my God. (Psalm 42:11 New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition)

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There are certain disappointments that one can deal with and dismiss relatively quickly. And then there are different disappointments that feel like daggers in the dark depths of the soul. The latter comes with a temptation to descend into despair, but – praise God – that we can hold onto the rope of prayer and climb up into the fresh air of renewed hope. Private prayer is powerful, but I was recently reminded of the vital importance of also praying with and for fellow believers, who stand with us and point us to Jesus when we find ourselves in the darkness of deep disappointment. For He is our inextinguishable light of hope in the darkness – now and forevermore. 


Loving Lord, You alone know the depths of every soul and – despite what we may feel or deal with – You are ever sovereign and in control. 

You deeply care when we find ourselves in the depths of despair, and You have given us the glorious gift of prayer… to draw close to You, ponder what is true and rise revived to carefully and prayerfully continue, with You.

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