Love Prevails

“He has brought me to his banqueting place,
And his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me].

“Sustain me with raisin cakes,
Refresh me with apples,
Because I am sick with love.

“Let his left hand be under my head
And his right hand embrace me.” (Song of Solomon 2:4-6 Amplified Bible)

Word Study: love 

“The Hebrew word for love — ahava (אהבה), which is made up of three basic Hebrew letters:  aleph (א), hey (ה), and vet (ב). From these three root letters of a-hav-a, we get the root word, hav (הב), which means to give.” []


As we pursue spiritual intimacy with our loving Lord Jesus Christ, embracing Him as our First Love, our hearts can safely rest in Him, secure under His banner of love. Proactive faith, hope and love, rooted in deep spiritual intimacy with the King of kings, are our essential spiritual weapons as we fight the good fight of faith. We need not fear for He sustains us to endure and gives us timely refreshment, and His promises reassure us that His love never fails and His victory is ours. So, let’s choose to give thanks to God, in all things, expressing our hope in Him, as we move forward in faith, aware of His banner of love above…courageously confident in Christ, in every season and situation.


LORD, You know that my heart has longed and searched in all the wrong places for the choicest graces.

In Your mercy, You wooed me, pursued me and called me to come and be satisfied with Your divine love from above.

I answered Your call and opened that divine door with my heart ablaze, and I believe You will continue to amaze me as You restore and lead me into more…

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