Draw Near

Psalm 42:1 [GNT]

As a deer longs for a stream of cool water, so I long for you, O God.


Let’s draw near to the One who holds our hearts dear, who alone can cast out fear and make things clear.

Let’s lean in, not legalistically, but wholeheartedly searching the sacred scriptures and staying seated and secure in Christ, allowing His truth to saturate our souls and sanctify our goals.

Let’s keep destructive distractions at bay and yield to His way, every day, soaking ourselves in His Word, allow Him to nourish and free us to flourish.

PRAYER POEM: Come What May

YAHWEH, have Your way. Speak truth to my heart I pray.

What do I need to forgo that I may You more deeply know?

As I draw near, tune my ear to only truth hear, as Your perfect love drives out all fear.

Revive me to dive into Your Word and dance with delight in the deep, deaf to the echo of past woes and frightful foes.

YAHWEH, have Your way in and through me, every moment of every day, come what may.

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