The Wonder of The Word

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NASB)


Meditating on The Word and working with words continues to heal, restore, revive, free and transform me. I’m moved to share what I discover / learn / experience with others in the hope that it sparks transformative action within precious people and their respective spheres of influence. I’m willing to be an example and / or a warning to others, as I share my unfolding story, be it at times cheesy or profound and everything in between. I intend to tend to what I believe God is leading me to do, as we – who call Jesus Saviour and Lord – journey to our Heavenly home.


Lord, may my mind be set on things above and my words infused with Your wisdom and love.

As I pray and ponder the wonder of Your Word and way, may I never from You stray. 

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