Victory in Christ

In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us.” (Romans 8:37 CEV)


Difficulty descends upon everyone. And how and with whom we respond informs our character and destiny. I recall a time when I was truly bewildered by all the seemingly unfair things happening to me, one after another, like sharp arrows flying my way, day after day. It became so unusually difficult that I was moved to put down pride and ask for help, in prayer and reaching out to caring Christians with a request for prayer support. Shortly afterwards I could sense a shift and I began to press into prayer, not the complaining / whining kind, but actually wielding the Sword of the Spirit, praying / declaring the truth of God’s Word in response to the lies the enemy was throwing at me, and I truly began to feel stronger within, even through what was happening externally basically remained the same. Faith, hope and love began to rise up within me, and overflow to those around me. The storm of difficulties eventually passed and a rainbow of rewarding results came through, and I sensed the Lord gently and lovingly reminding me to more deeply trust Him [when I am feeling bewildered as well as when I’m feeling abundantly blessed], and I was reassured that irrespective of how I may feel or what I go through, all I need to do is stay close to Him (as I am) and just keep doing what I believe He is guiding me to do, in faith, trusting that He is with me through it all, working it all for my good and His glory. I emerged from this particular struggle with a longing for deeper intimacy with Him, and a greater appreciation of supportive unity in the Body of Christ. All praise, honour and glory to our King of kings, in whom we are more than conquerors. 

PRAYER POEM: Sustained by You

Lord, may I always pray and praise You every day, regardless of what comes my way.

When difficulties descend, may I always turn to You and Your loving faithfulness fully comprehend.

May every shaking trial awaken me to what can never be shaken.

Sustained by You, I can be still and trust Your perfectly wise will. 

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