Prayerful Preparation

“Do your best, prepare for the worst— then trust God to bring victory.” (Proverbs 21:31 MSG)

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What does preparation look like to you? For me, I wouldn’t dare prepare without prayer, because I’ve seen what happens when I prayerfully prepare and when I don’t, and the former is for sure the way to go. Prayer is essential, for only God can bring victory (in all its various forms) and as it states in 1 Corinthians 3:9 (NLV): “…we work together with God…”, so we are required to make a concerted effort, in faith, in preparation for victory. Part of prayerful preparation involves praying for clarity of vision, so as not to be aimless and praying for wisdom, so as to prepare and work well and thrive in the reality of the vision, giving glory to God, who gives us grace for it all. Vision and wisdom, rooted in the truth of God’s Word, need to be alive within us for us to experience victory within, which subsequently flows forth. Prayerful preparation is key, at the beginning (of a new season / situation) and in the unfolding of each day, trusting God to bring victory in due time. Hallelujah!


Loving Lord ~ we live and move by Your grace and You are more powerful than anything we feel or face. Today I pray for clarity of vision and wisdom for the mission, trusting You to bring victory in Your wonderful way, as I prayerfully prepare day by day. 

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