Amazing Grace

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV)

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As we wade through all manner of challenges, we’ll invariably have opportunities to receive forgiveness and to forgive or to harbour resentment and become bitter. The former leads to abundant life while the latter leads to further misery. 

No one but Jesus is perfect and only He can atone sin. So to receive forgiveness we first go to Him and then to whoever else is involved. And when we need to forgive (which includes ourselves), again, we first go to Jesus, to prayerfully process the pain and receive grace to be able to forgive. 

Forgiveness doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences to deal with, but as we stay close to the Lord, we are given grace to endure the consequences in such a way that we transform from the inside out, and emerge stronger and wiser with a deeper understanding of God’s amazing grace, mercy and love.


Loving Lord Jesus ~ You alone can sin atone. Please open my heart to receive Your forgiveness and soften it so that I can forgive and live in the light, close to You in all that I do and go through, and point others to You. 

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