Beloved Handiwork

“Paul’s test for spiritually immaturity: Do you argue? Do you compare yourself to others? Are you jealous? Answer “yes” to any of these, then you are spiritually immature.”

“My job was to plant the seed, and Apollos was called to water it. Any growth comes from God, so the ones who water and plant have nothing to brag about. God, who causes the growth, is the only One who matters. The one who plants is no greater than the one who waters; both will be rewarded based on their work. We are gardeners and field workers laboring with God. You are the vineyard,the garden, the house where God dwells.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-9 The Voice)

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It’s been said that “comparison is the thief of joy” (Theodore Roosevelt). And I have seen this to be true in my own life. At times I found myself feeling a mix of inspiration with a twinge of jealousy when I saw others doing amazing things. There have been times when I’ve compared myself to others and during those times joy was nowhere to be found. And then there were other times when I genuinely rejoiced in the fruitfulness found in lives lit with the love of God, and joy abounded! Oh, let’s stay so close to our marvellous and merciful Maker, who loves us deeply and has given each of us wonderful work to do. Let’s not forget that we are His beloved handiwork, called to labour with Him as we lovingly encourage and support each other.


Sovereign God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, and every living being I see. Keep me close to You and mindful of all that is true, deeply aware that growth and everything good comes from You. 

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