What is Faith?

What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.” (Hebrews 11:1, Living Bible)

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I find that when overt outcomes don’t match my effort and expectations, disappointment can cause me to spiral down into discouragement, which blocks my belief and batters my confidence. But — hallelujah — God is teaching me how to bounce back and hold onto Him — our Living Hope — before I spiral down. Our omniscient Maker does not lie …we can take Him at His Word. As we choose to prayerfully ponder His living and active Word, open to His Spirit to do what only He can do — in and through us — in His wonderful way and timing, our faith is fortified and we become unshakeably confident in Christ. So, irrespective of how we may feel or what we may see, let’s prioritise spiritual intimacy with our Maker and confidently move forward in faith, hope and His victorious love.


My marvellous, merciful Maker — You are indeed my Living Hope, the One who catches my hand on a slippery slope. You know my purpose and place, and Your amazing grace is sufficient indeed to meet my every need. Help me to honour You in thought, word and deed. 

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