Better Together

“As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other [sharpen their friends].” Proverbs 27:17 EXB

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One of my young students seems to get taller every time I see him, and he currently towers over other students in the class. I noticed him boastfully comparing his height to another student, and I recently reminded him that he doesn’t cause his own growth, God does. I went on to explain (in a way he could understand) that each precious person is wonderfully unique and that instead of trying to prove that we are better than each other, we are meant to become better together. 

This reminded me of the vital value of unity and how important it is that we prayerfully and humbly learn from and sharpen each other, that we may cut through confusion, remove comparison, refine appreciation and shine bright in our specific roles — confident in Christ — glorifying the One who loving made us and continues to shape us. 


Our marvellous, merciful Maker — thank You for making me and every precious person I see. Oh help us, Your creation, to honour You as we work together with appreciation. 

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