Falling & Rising

“Even though good [righteous] people may be bothered by trouble [fall] seven times, they are never defeated [get back up]…” (Proverbs 24:16 EXB)

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Ups and downs are clearly part of the sanctification and transformation process. Sometimes it feels fabulous and other times the fiery tests and trials feel unbearable. And then there are times of frequent falling when it feels impossible to rise. But, praise God that, as Christians, we are righteous in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:21) and we can cry out to our Helper and be strengthened to rise again. And, by His amazing grace, we can prayerfully move forward with praise on our lips and hope in our hearts, knowing that we are secure (albeit not always comfortable) in the Perfect Potter’s hands as He shapes us through it all. 


Loving Lord, You know how I feel and what I need to face. Please help me to persistently pray, with thanksgiving, for in You I can stay strong and run the race of faith, by Your grace, until I cross the line and see Your glorious face. 

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