Perfect Love

I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me; remain in My love [and do not doubt My love for you].” (John 15:9 AMP)

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Have you ever been wounded by someone? Unless you live on a remote island by yourself, I’m sure you have been wounded in some way. And wounded people wound people. And, while healing happens in a caring Christian community, the people in the community are not perfect and so there is always the possibility that wounding can happen. This is why we are called to first love God and then others, as ourselves (see Matthew 22:37-39), because it’s only when we become increasingly aware of God’s perfect love for us, as we prioritise time in honest prayer and pondering His Love Letter (the Bible) to us, that we are enabled by His Spirit to experience ongoing transformation, which includes loving well. So let’s stay prayerful and mindful of the truth of God’s Word, and not doubt His love for us. 


Loving Lord, only You know how to love perfectly, so please help me to continually be aware of how deeply You care and that You are always perfectly patient, faithful and fair.

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