The Way of Wisdom

The [reverent] fear of the Lord is the beginning (the prerequisite, the absolute essential, the alphabet) of wisdom;

A good understanding and a teachable heart are possessed by all those who do the will of the Lord; His praise endures forever. (Psalm 111:10 AMP)

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Our perfect Creator — the Maker of Heaven and Earth …and every living being — made (and makes) everything with perfect wisdom. How dare we (the created) think that we know better than the One who created us. Every breath we take is from Him and every choice we make reveals what we really believe and where we put our trust, which profoundly impacts outcomes. God’s ways are infinitely higher than ours, which is why prioritising prayer and pondering God’s Word every day — trusting His Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth — is the way of wisdom. For James 1:5(NIV) makes it clear that… “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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LORD, You alone are always perfectly wise. Open my spiritual eyes and may faith, hope and love in my heart arise as I focus on You and Your Word. Your wonderful wisdom is always needed, so may it always be heard and heeded. 

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