Failing Forward

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18 ESV)

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I have some students who require costly care and a lot of patience. I usually recognise that the students who call out long-suffering love in me are expensive gifts from God, but this morning — while feeling rather green with nausea (it seems I ate something I shouldn’t have) and processing a plethora of problems — apparently long-suffering was not keen to come forth …and I messed up. I found myself bristling with irritation and snapping at a student. Afterwards I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me, and I knew that He was leading me to apologise to my student and talk about it. After praying some more, I looked her in the eye, said sorry and made myself an example to learn from by asking her (and the student next to her) what we can learn from my failure and reminding them (and myself) to fail forward by prayerfully acknowledging and turning away from sin, apologising and seeking to learn from the experience. Praise God, my heart softened and peace was restored.

I certainly don’t aim to do what is wrong, but I’m fallible like every other human being. While we are pilgrims on earth, we are all in process, so let’s stay prayerful, be quick to repent and pursue peace, as we aim to learn, live and love well, mindful of God’s amazing grace. 


LORD, thank You for Your perfect patience with me. Help me see me and others as You see us — Your beloved handiwork broken by The Fall, who You can restore, as we respond to Your caring call. 

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