Form & Function

God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:25NLT)

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Our caring Creator clearly delights in creative design. Just look at the divine designs displayed in nature! It seems clear that He values both form and function. I’ve always appreciated design and creative expression. But, when it comes to fashion design, there is the danger of selfish superficiality, vanity and a self-centred point of view — but there are also opportunities to delight in design (mindful of The Great Designer) and to non-verbally communicate meaningful messages (that can lead to deeper discussions). For example: I love the good anti-trafficking work that a caring company is doing, and one way they generate funds and create awareness is by designing beautiful statement jewellery, which I buy within budget and wear when I’m moved to. I recently bought open chrysalis earrings — symbolic of transformation and freedom. I’m planning to wear them after the updated edition of my book, Unseen Beauty, is released. 

Here is a public link to the anti-trafficking company :👉


Caring Creator, nothing or no one can compare to the beauty and splendour of who You are and what You create. Oh, help us on You wait and do only that which honours and pleases You. 

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