Be Strong & Courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 AMP)

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Yesterday I was offered a wonderful, yet rather terrifying, opportunity — that I believe is from God — and with it came a bridge and options: do I turn down the offer and stay in the seemingly safe zone, where I can’t be criticised or rejected but where dreams die? Or do I move forward into an unknown risk zone and embrace this timely opportunity, where I’d need to face fears and deal with all types of challenges, but where dead dreams can be resurrected and new dreams birthed? I prayed. I pondered. And I have decided to prayerfully embrace this opportunity and trust God in the unfolding process. Let’s not shrink back from what we know God is guiding us to do. Let’s be strong and courageous, and do it, trusting that He is indeed with us wherever we go. Hallelujah!


LORD, thank You that as I move forward in faith and prayerfully face fears, I can trust that You will redeem the years of yearning and painful learning — in Your wonderful way and perfect timing.

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