Faith Fortifying Choices

But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]. (James 1:22 AMP)

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First, a confession: this morning I really did not feel like going to the mid-morning Sunday service at my church. It’s not that I don’t want to worship God with other believers and hear the pastor preach and teach in person…it’s the prep and effort involved to actually get there. After a very busy week, loaded with challenges, I just wanted to sleep in, stay in my pyjamas and watch the livestream on Youtube. But, I knew that I needed to go. So, after my private quiet time, I got ready and I went to church, in faith. And I’m glad I did. My faith was fortified. I felt closer to God and more connected to other believers. Gathering together is an essential aspect of our sanctification and transformation process. There are good reasons why we are urged in Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV) to meet together

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

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LORD, thank You that by Your amazing grace, I can stay in step with You and actually do what is spelled out in Your Love Letter. You know better than I what it is that I truly need, so help me heed Your Word in thought, word and deed.

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