Work & Rest

Indolence wants it all and gets nothing; the energetic have something to show for their lives.(Proverbs 13:4 MSG)

Word study: indolence (noun)

  1. avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness. (ref: Oxford Languages)


There is a time to work and a time to rest. There’s a vast difference between a healthy rhythm of wholehearted work and refreshing rest versus a life of laziness. 

When I was younger, I was very undisciplined. I was one of those who had to learn the dangers of laziness the hard way, through very painful consequences.  Now that I’m a committed Christian, I deeply value personal discipline. Wholehearted work is a wonderful gift from God, but it’s only a blessing to us and others when we actually fully engage in the work before us. I find that when I show up in faith and follow through with commitments – regardless of fluctuating feelings and difficulties – I’m actually strengthened and blessed in the process. And afterwards, when it’s time to rest, the work I did beforehand informs the quality of my rest, so that I’m truly refreshed and ready to work wholeheartedly again. 

Let’s draw near to our caring Creator and prayerfully examine the way we live, and aim to live in a truly balanced way – in the light of His Word, by His glorious grace. 


LORD, You are so perfectly wise. Please open my eyes to see what needs to change and to fully cooperate with You, in everything I think, say and do. May I always glorify You, for You are forever faithful and Your Word is trustworthy and true. 

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